
Going Green
At Distinct Storage

Distinct Storage is dedicated to implementing energy and resource saving initiatives to reduce our environmental footprint.

Jackson and his friends are counting on us to lead the way and leaving the environment in a better way than we found it. As part of this, we carefully considered the way we constructed our site and our building to reduce our impact.

Our Initiatives Include:

Solar Power

We have installed 100 kW of solar power on roof which provides 100% of our electrical usage over the course of the year. Based on our monitoring, we will produce over 100 kW hours of electricity from the solar panels on our roof, reducing our dependency on the electric grid.

Energy Efficient Lighting

We have installed high efficient, LED charging throughout the entire property. Inside, we have installed motion detectors throughout so lights only go on when an area of the building is utilized. Our outside parking lot lights have controllers installed so that they are barely on until motion is detected at which time they will turn on to 100% illumination. Our exterior security lighting is also motion based as well.

Electric Car Charger

We provide an electric car charger to our clients free of charge!

Innovative Stormwater Management Design

We utilize multiple rain gardens throughout the property to provide a “treatment train” approach to providing a decrease in the peak rate of stormwater runoff from our site in comparison to prior to it being developed. We also fully infiltrate the first 1” of rainfall events which typically have the highest amount of pollutants, renovating the storm water within our rain garden filtration system.


We have an abundance of landscaping that is in excess of what the municipality requires. This allows us to infiltrate greater amounts of runoff than if it was mostly lawn.